June 20, 2008, Newsletter Issue #104: Ways To Create An Earth Friendly Business

Tip of the Week

Earth friendly businesses are always looking for ways to cut back on their usage of non-renewable resources. One way they can do this is by allowing their employees to work from home. Telecommuting benefits the environment in a number of ways, from preserving the environment to conserving energy. The first two areas where energy is conserved by telecommuting are associated with the transportation needs of the employee working from home. When transportation is not needed, fewer vehicles and less energy for the expansion of roadways, vehicle maintenance and repairs are needed. The second area of energy conservation that can be attained by telecommuting is in the area of electricity. Office buildings take more to heat, cool and light than the typical home. Working from home also makes effective use of an existing building instead of requiring a new facility be built. Telecommuting benefits the environment as well. Land use can be reduced because the need for highway expansion and new parking lots will not be as great. Eventually parking lots could become neighborhood gardens or parks, and highways could be downsized. Telecommuting benefits the air quality as well because pollution will decrease as fewer cars are driven. Besides allowing employees to telecommute, there are other ways to create an earth friendly business, such as taking advantage of green technology including solar and wind power, recycling and using recycled products, encouraging employees who must commute to work to ride a bicycle or walk and by asking that all office equipment be turned off when not in use.

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