Green Appliances Tips

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What are energy savings rebates?

Energy Savings Rebates

There has never been a better time to be green than now. There are tons of energy saving rebates from tax rebates to cash rebates to percentages off of green appliances, alternative forms of energy and energy efficient vehicles. Tax credits offer dollar for dollar deductions, which is great for consumers. Cash rebates can be instant savings on your purchase or they can be mail-in rebates. Instant cash rebates are great because they allow you to buy more for the same money at one time. There are some companies that offer certain percentages off of various energy efficient appliances. Energy savings rebates can also be offered by utility companies for installing various energy efficient appliances, furnaces or heating systems or even alternative power such as wind mills or solar panels. Some compact fluorescent light bulbs already have the rebate figured into the price. When you look at the boxes of light bulbs some will have stickers on them that say ‘save money now.' One company in particular has blue and orange stickers on their light fixtures. By paying closer attention to what you are buying you will find many energy savings rebates. Appliances are another common source of energy savings rebates. Washers, dryers and dishwashers with Energy Star ratings often have additional rebates. Ask your local appliance dealer for more details or do a search online before you buy. Finding products that offer energy saving rebates in addition to saving energy at home and producing less greenhouse gas emissions is a great way to help green the environment while putting a little more green in your own pocket.

What are some options for energy saving heaters?

Energy Saving Heaters

When it comes to energy saving heaters, newer is indeed better. With advances in technology traditional energy efficient heaters are possible. Proper and regular maintenance is a necessity energy saving heaters. Clean filters and maintained furnaces with thermostats on a wall that does not get drafts are all ways to save. Filters should be removed and cleaned or replaced every two weeks for maximum efficiency. Furnaces should be maintained once a year in the fall before they are started for the first time. Models over ten years old should be evaluated and replaced. For those looking for a green alternative, solar panels make great energy saving heaters. From homemade panels that can reduce heating costs to actual installed pre-made solar air space heating panels that can practically eliminate the need for traditional methods of heating that require fossil fuels there are numerous options out there. There is also a solar heating, ventilation and domestic hot water solution called the solar furnace for those seeking real energy saving heaters for their home. It is a hybrid heating system that also uses natural gas or propane. In tests it has been shown to lower heating and electricity bills by as much as sixty percent. Solar air space heating is another option that requires no electricity. Its effectiveness depends on how much air is actually passing through the solar panels as well as the amount of sun it receives. Making the change to energy saving heaters, rather they are traditional or solar powered is a great way to help green the environment.

What is energy cost?

Energy Cost

Energy cost is more than the current price of the product. For example the cost of installing solar panels is much higher than the cost of a gas forced furnace. However if you look at the savings and how that cost breaks down over a number of years, solar panels are the more cost effective option. The energy cost for renewable energy is going to be one of those costs that initially is higher because it is not the standard yet. Hybrid cars are another example of an item that costs more initially. However the energy fuel that they use such as biodiesel is renewable. Eliminating our dependency on foreign oil is another way to cut energy cost. Green energy used to create energy fuel and reduce energy cost is the way to go. Green energy is good for the environment too. It reduces pollution, thus eliminating greenhouse gases. Finding ways to create energy and energy fuel that is renewable is important to the future of the earth as well as important to life as we know it. Without electricity, our lives would be very different. Other ways to cut energy costs is to replace your old appliances with Energy Star home appliances, learn to turn out lights when you leave a room and turn off the phantom power to electronics when they are not in use. Reducing energy cost not only saves the planet but it puts some green back into your wallet, which is something we could all use more of anyway.

What are the best energy efficient appliances?

Energy Efficient Appliances.

There are many benefits to energy efficient appliances from tax benefits to green appliances manufacturers to monetary savings for consumers. Energy efficient appliances are the wave of the future. When replacing or purchasing new appliances for the first time be sure to look for the energy star rating. This rating says the appliance you are buying is indeed an energy efficient appliance. Replacing your old appliances with new energy efficient appliances also helps eliminate pollution since most of the energy we power our home with comes from power plants which burn fossil fuels. There are also incentives in place to convince people to do away with the old and buy new energy efficient appliances such as tax benefits, cash rebates and low interest loans. Many local utility companies offer savings or know of special incentives available to their customers who choose to upgrade to energy efficient appliances. When your new appliances arrive, don't just toss your old ones away, recycle them. If they are still in working condition donate them to a local charity or put them up on Even though they may not be the most energy efficient model out there, it is better to recycle than to dump them. There are people who will haul away old appliances for the metal. The last place you want them to go is the local landfill. Also remember that these rules apply to more than just a washer, dryer, stove or refrigerator. The same rules apply to computers and other electronic components, which are also available with energy star ratings.

What is an energy efficient rebate?

Energy Efficient Rebate

There has never been a better time to be environmentally responsible and to do away with all the old fossil fuel guzzling appliances, electronics and vehicles in your home. There are tons of energy saving rebates from tax rebates to cash rebates to percentages off of green appliances, alternative forms of energy and energy efficient vehicles. Tax credits offer dollar for dollar deductions. Energy efficient rebates can be offered by utility companies for installing various energy efficient appliances, furnaces or heating systems or even alternative power such as wind mills or solar panels. By paying closer attention to what you are buying you will find many energy efficiency rebates. Washers, dryers and dishwashers with Energy Star ratings often have additional rebates in addition to the savings you will see monthly on your utility bills. Ask your local appliance dealer for more details or do a search online before you buy to find out what products have energy efficiency rebates and how to get them. Finding products that offer energy efficient rebates in addition to saving energy at home and producing less greenhouse gas emissions is a great way to help green the environment. When replacing your old times with new energy efficient models remember to recycle your old appliances instead of dumping them in a landfill. There are also energy efficient rebates available to homeowners who choose to invest in energy and pollution saving upgrades. Besides adding more green to the environment, these energy efficient rebates add more green to your wallet.

Why buy energy star home appliances?

Energy Star Home Appliances

Energy Star home appliances are the same as or better than the average home appliance. The big difference between appliances with the energy star ratings and ones without is the amount of energy they use. When looking at energy star home appliances it is important to remember that in addition to their initial cost you should also factor in the cost of use over the lifetime of the appliance. Energy star home appliances must meet and exceed strict energy efficiency criteria. This energy efficiency criteria is set forth by both the US Environmental Protection Agency and the US Department of Energy. Energy Star home appliances not only save money on electric bills but they also help the environment because they use less fossil fuels to operate than their traditional counterparts. If the Energy Star rating is not shown on the product it may be energy efficient but not to the same extent as an energy star home appliance which can save up to twenty percent more energy than their energy efficient counterparts. In some cases energy star ratings have saved consumers as much as seventy-five percent on their utility bills once the products were in their homes. In addition to appliances they also have energy star ratings for lighting products, home electronics, home office equipment, new buildings and new homes. The new energy star rated homes are at least fifteen percent more efficient than homes that were built in 2004 using the International Residence Code. The energy star ratings, regardless of what they are on, add up to savings and a greener environment.

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