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Green computing can be done in a number of ways, from conserving energy by turning your computer off when it is not in use or using the sleep mode on an energy star computer, to conserving resources such as paper and ink, and even by recycling old computer components. Green computing can save consumers as much as $125 per year on their electric bill and can eliminate extra emissions of pollutants, sulfur and carbon dioxide.
When it comes to ink and paper, opt for recycled paper. Many toner cartridges can be refilled or returned to stores for credit on your next purchase. Computer components can often become recycled computers that others less fortunate can get use out of at a discounted price. Donating your outdated computer components that work, or taking them to a recycling center that accepts electronics, will keep them out of the landfills. If you need to purchase new computers, printers, faxes or other office equipment look for equipment that is efficient and green. Look for the energy star rating. If you really don't need to own the equipment, look for a place to rent it. If possible, wait until green computers are available on the market. Several computer manufacturers are currently working on developing computers that are highly energy efficient and manufactured in a resource efficient, less polluting manner. They are also working on making computers that will be designed and built for eventual recycling. Green computing is an easy way to help conserve resources, lessen your dependence on fossil fuels and eliminate unnecessary emissions into the environment.
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