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An easy way to make your daily commute greener is to ride a bicycle instead of driving a car or taking public transportation. Like walking, riding a bicycle will help improve your health and make the community you live in a better place. Bicycles do not produce pollution and don't consume fossil fuel. Bicycle manufacturers are getting in on the green movement as well by making bicycles out of renewable materials such as bamboo. If you don't want to invest in a new bicycle there are second hand bicycles on the market and choosing one of these could keep it from going into the landfill. In the event you later decided to purchase a new bicycle, recycle the old one. Older bicycle frames are generally made of metal so they can be easily recycled. If you decide to go with an older bicycle, look around for the best price on one and make sure it is in good shape. Some bicycles can be beyond being repaired.
If you are worried about what to do with your bicycle once you get to your destination, there are folding varieties on the market. You may be concerned that you cannot get where you need to go by bicycle alone, but luckily that problem can be solved too. Many forms of public transportation now have bike racks on their vehicles for the convenience of their customers who wish to ride a bicycle on part of their destination. Many cities also have bike paths allowing bicyclists a safe place to ride.
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