Award Winning Sustainable Buildings

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Where can I see some examples of award winning sustainable buildings?

Award Winning Sustainable Buildings

Around the globe, there are some examples of award winning sustainable buildings to see first hand, the benefits green architecture has to offer. Here are a few pit stops you can make to see some award winning sustainable buildings.

• Happen to be in Cairns, Australia? The Cairns Convention Centre is an example of award winning sustainable design. Its most outstanding green feature is its shell shaped roof, spanning over 130 feet in length, which insulates the building to minimize heat loss.

• In warm weather Las Vegas, Nevada, you can go see the Animal Foundation Dog Adoption Park. This structure, just under 19,000 square feet, uses a combination of freestanding voltaic canopies, site orientation, and wind ventilation to make it an excellent example of a green building.

• The Ballard Branch Library and Neighborhood Service Center is another excellent example of green building design. The architects used studies of daylight patterns to maximize the usage of natural lighting.

• In Mission, Texas, visit the World Birding Center Headquarters. This 13,000 square foot example of green building design uses a 47,000 gallon rain storage system as a means of collecting, utilizing, and conserving water usage.



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